How to Find Out How Fast your Website Loads

Having a quick and easy-to-load website is just one of the steps a website admin needs to take to ensure they have a successful website. That is why it is a good idea to learn how to find out how fast your website loads so you can see if you need to take necessary steps to speed it up. Having a slow website is one sure fire way to turn away potential website visitors. If you have a website that is slow to load, it is likely that you will have visitors looking for their information elsewhere. Web users want their information quickly and don’t want to have to wait for it. In a time where Generation X wants instant satisfaction, they are not going to sit around and wait for your page to load.

First, it is important to check your website one of the many free website speed checker sites. You can find one of these sites by Google searching for a website load speed tracker. This will point you in the direction of a website that can check your speeds. If your website is slower than it should be, no worries. There are a few different ways you can go about speeding up your website to increase your web host ranking.

After you have learned how to find out how fast your website loads, it is a good idea to make only the minimum of changes to your website. Then check your speeds. You don’t want to have to over modify your website if you don’t have to. By learning how to find out how fast your website loads you can frequently check the speeds of your website to see if your changes to the website are affecting speeds at all. This will save you a lot of time from having to make tons of changes to your website.

Changes to Increase Website Loading Speeds:

If you find that your website is running slower than you would like, and you worry that it might be hurting your web traffic, it is a good idea to take a few measures to help resolve this issue. First, it is important to get rid of all the unnecessary clutter. This may seem like an obvious choice; however it is not always something website admins think of when they are trying learn how to find out how fast their website loads. Once they discover it is running slower than it should, it is a good idea to get rid of those extra pictures, video, etc. Multimedia features are great for any website, but unfortunately can bog down the loading time substantially if there are too many per web page on a given website. Another measure you can take to speed up your website loading times is to avoid nested tables. Don’t place tables within tables because it takes the search engines longer to find your page this way. Use a CSS where you can on your site. Using cascading style sheeting helps you represent the elements of your source code to be lighter or more efficient, which will help search engines wade through the garbage easier to find your website. This is a great move to help increase your web host ranking.

Speeding up your website loading times also helps when you optimize your website images. While pictures are a huge feature to have on your blog and they are very important, it is a good idea to keep them simple. Remove the fancy GIF animations, and instead use straight forward and simple images. To do this, it might even be a good and helpful idea to use smaller, clickable thumbnail pictures that can enlarge when clicking on them. After this, be sure to learn how to find out how fast your website loads by using a free tracker online. If the website is still on the slower side to load, taking a few more actions might help continue to speed it up a bit. Next, try cleaning up your website code. Many basic editors for HTML will leave a lot of unnecessary code with empty tags as well as unnecessary comments in your source code. You can remove this garbage code by using a simple text editor, which is a great way to increase your website loading speed. It is also important and simple to remove whitespaces. This is the unnecessary space that is between the tags and new line characters to increase your page size. However, if you use a free HTML optimizer, you can get rid of this space and increase the loading of your website to make your web host ranking better.

By using at least a couple of these tips, you can easily increase the loading speed of your website. Remember, it is a good idea to regularly check the speed of your website loading now that you know how to find out how fast your website loads by checking online for free. Keep up this process on a regular basis for efficient website management.